Onsite registration for the SNOMED International April 2023 Business Meetings

Please only complete this form if you plan on attending in person in London, UK.

Pre-registration for online-only attendance at the meetings is NOT required. 

See our website here for more event details, including how to book accommodation at the venue.

If you require assistance at any stage, please contact the SNOMED International Events Team at events@snomed.org.

Contact Details

*denotes mandatory field

Additional Information

We would like to keep you informed about SNOMED International events, including this conference. If you would like to receive this information via email please indicate your preference below. You can change this preference in the future by using the unsubscribe, manage notifications or opt out options in the footer of our emails. We will only use your email address to send you information you have requested. We will never pass on your information to other companies for marketing or other purposes without your explicit permission.

Event Terms & Conditions, Data Privacy and Health Acknowledgement

Detailed 'Terms & Conditions' governing SNOMED International events are available here.

Please also review the Event Data Privacy Agreement and April 2023 Health Acknowledgement.

For more information please contact privacy@snomed.org.

Data processing consent